Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekend Warrior Syndrome

My Monday afternoon schedule tends to be one of my busiest of the week at my office due to the "Weekend Warriors". These are the people who try to do more on the weekend than their body is used to during the week (golfing, raking leaves, mowing the lawn, gardening, house work, bike rides, etc.) and forget about stretching and getting proper rest and fluids. And when their back "goes out on them", they pull a hamstring, they get a migraine, they sprain an ankle, etc., they call on Monday morning for the first available appointment.

We all are guilty of being "weekend warriors" every now and again, trying to get everything done on the weekend that we couldn't do during the week or just having too much fun! However, there is a safer approach in doing so. Especially with raking season approaching and unfortunately snow shoveling not too far behind, I want to give you some simple stretches and exercises to help you best avoid these injuries. These stretches are great to do in the morning on a daily basis, but should definitely be done before and after any acitivities that you don't do everyday. I know it sounds strange to stretch before and after raking leaves, but it really does help you to prevent injury and you'll be much happier not waking up as sore the next day! If you do have any aches or pains after activities, put cold on the area for 20 minutes at a time to help get swelling out of the area. Also, getting plenty of water is a must everyday, but you should be drinking even more water and staying properly hydrated on days that you do more activities!

Here is the link that describes and shows you the various stretches and easy exercises...

On a side note, being a life-long Cubs fan, I was really hoping that I would wake up this morning and find out that it was all just a really bad wasn't. I guess there's always next year.

I wish you all a happy, healthy week!!

Live well.

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