Monday, September 8, 2008

Simple Grocery Changes

Dawn and I really like going grocery shopping together because we like to find new things to create for meals...and try the free samples at Trader Joe's of course. We love Trader Joe's! It has unique items and a great selection of organic and healthy foods. I realize that with our economy right now and the prices of food, buying organic foods might sound unrealistic. However, if you could make just a few changes to your grocery list, it could make a big difference in your overall health and not hurt your pocket book too much.

The two easiest things that you can do is to start buying hormone-free and antibiotic-free milk and eggs. There are non-organic options that are hormone and antibiotic free, which are also good. Just read the label and it will specifically state this. The problem with the hormones that are used in the production of regular eggs and milk is that it mimics our own hormones especially estrogen in women. This creates a false increase in estrogen in the body. Some problems that have been shown to develop from an increase in estrogen in women are irregular periods, endometriosis, infertility, ovarian cysts, and others. I am not saying that just by eating eggs and milk that are not hormone-free, you will develop these problems. However, eggs and milk are probably 2 of the most common things that most of us eat, so just changing these is a great start!
Some other things that can be found at Trader Joe's:

Organic fruits and vegetables
Organic frozen strawberries and strawberries (used in our smoothies)
Hormone and antibiotic free chicken
Organic flax seed oil (great source of omega 3 fatty acids)
Organic aloe vera juice (helps aid with digestion)
Organic apple cider vinegar (good for digestion)

Doc Nate


Anonymous said...
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Charlotte and Jason said...

I agree Nate! We switched to hormone free milk for the kids over a year ago. We noticed that both of the boys always seemed to have "chronic" runny noses. When we switched the milk in our house we saw a huge improvement....Donovan has not needed a breathing treatment in almost 8 months!

-Love the blog!


Dr. Nate McGowan said...


Thanks for the feedback. That's great to hear that your kids responded so well. Milk tends to make kids and adults more mucosy in general. So not only is it good to switch to hormone-free milk, but parents of kids who get a lot of colds or have a lot of runny noses should also give their kids less milk in general.

Anonymous said...

Nate this spring I started buying our eggs at a little farm located on Bose Road in South Elgin, west of Randall Rd. This was both an attempt at buying locally and going a bit more organic. It is really difficult to find such places these days! I do also taste a difference in true farm fresh eggs. We have had our Claire on Organic milk since she began to drink it, but only recently began drinking it ourselves. It took me a while to get over the price and just go for it for Aaron and I too. I have heard the case made that hormone free milk and other more important organic/hormone free foods could be key to decreasing some major infertility issue such as polycystic ovary disease and others in our children. Interesting. I would love to see a post by you with a top 10 for organic foods in terms of the things you would recommend switching to or the top 10 most important organic foods. Thanks! I am really enjoying this!

Dr. Nate McGowan said...

Thanks for reading Anne! I think buying locally is a great idea! Not only are you supporting local farmers, but it is better for the environment by not having all the emissions from transporting the produce from far places. I appreciate the input and will definitely put together a top 10 list!