I'm sure you have heard it a hundred times before, but so many health issues can be helped through a better diet and some regular exercise. Well, the same holds true for helping to avoid inflammation in your body. The closer you can eat to how our ancestors once ate, the better off you will be. One of the best ways to combat the inflammatory and free radical damage in your body is through phytonutrients and anti-oxidants which are found primarily in fruits and vegetables. Eat as much fruits and vegetables as you would like throughout the day. Just remember that fruit contains a lot of sugar and vegetables tend to have more beneficial phytonutrients, so try to eat more veggies than fruit. As far as meat, lean meats such as chicken and fish are much better than the pro-inflammatory red meats. The omega-3 fats found in fish are also very anti-inflammatory in nature.
Here are some more anti-inflammatory tips:
- Use herbs such as tumeric (found in curry), ginger, and cayenne pepper
- Use olive oil instead of vegetable or canola oil
- Avoid processed and commercially processed foods which usually contain hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup
- Eat other omega-3 rich foods such as walnuts, flax seeds, almonds, green leafy vegetables
- Get 4-5 days of 30 minutes of cardio exercise each week (easy as taking your dog on a walk)
- Eat fresh food
Live Well.